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Show Your Work!

By Ken
May 29, 2022
3 min read

Show Your Work! is a book written by Austin Kleon, a best-selling author and artist. In the book, Kleon discusses the importance of sharing your work and ideas with others, and how doing so can help you connect with a wider audience, build a personal brand, and find success in your field.

This book helped me see the value of documenting the process of learning. I started this blog partially as a result of reading it. I have had this domain for several years, it has long been a place of experiments and doodles of sorts. But I think it's time to turn it into something more. It's time.

Kleon provides 10 practical tips for sharing your work and ideas, including:

  1. Share something small every day.
  2. Share something personal.
  3. Share something that shows your process.
  4. Share something that shows your influences.
  5. Share something that shows your personality.
  6. Share something that shows your values.
  7. Share something that's finished.
  8. Share something that's unfinished.
  9. Share something that's not your best work.
  10. Share something that you're learning.

Throughout the book, Kleon provides examples and stories from his own experiences and those of other creatives who have successfully used these strategies to share their work and build a following. He also covers topics such as how to find your voice and authenticity as an artist, how to collaborate with others, and how to use social media and other online tools to share your work.

The idea is to create a living document of what I believe to be true. To make a case for it even. To allow it to be confronted and shot down or dismissed. I have no dreams of becoming a professional writer, the world seems to have enough of those. I am convinced that there is value in learning to write well. That doing so, will allow you to be a better thinker, which in turn will help you be a better do-er.

I have also been reading about the difference between writing an Essay as opposed to other forms of writing. (more to come on that topic in a future post). A good Essay has to be able to organize your thoughts around a single idea and make a convincing argument that can stand up to scrutiny. That is something I am very interested in learning to do well. In our modern age, it seems mandatory. It's that or be the victim of lazy thinking.

I have decided to create content here. This is not social media, but rather, my little corner of the internet. I assume no one will read it, and that's ok, maybe for now, I even prefer it that way. This is more a challenge to my self to try to document the all of the things I love and the things I am learning and make a case for the things I am learning.

I've also decided that I am going to do it even if I do it badly. I am going to try to kill the perfectionist in me and publish it warts and all. This is a space to "document the journey" rather than pubish some amazing work.

Overall, Show Your Work! is a practical and inspiring guide that provides valuable insights and strategies for anyone looking to share their work and ideas with others and build a personal brand, and I highly recommend this book.

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