Book Shelf
These books have influenced how I see business and life, and theyβre the ones I keep coming back to; and recommending.

Good to Great
Jim Collins

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
John C. Maxwell

Business Made Simple
Donald Miller

Building a Story Brand
Donald Miller

The Unspoken Truths for Career Success
Tessa White

Zero to One
Peter Thiel

The 80/20 Principle
Richard Kock

Slow Productivity
Cal Newport

The Design of Everyday Things
Donald A. Norman

Articulating Design Decisions
Tom Greever

Jake Knapp

Read Write Ownο»Ώ
Chris Dixon

The Bullet Journal Methonο»Ώ
Ryder Carroll

Building a Second Brain
Tiago Forte

Atomic Habits
James Clear

Show Your Work!
Austin Kleon

Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson

Benjamin Franklin
Walter Isaascon

Man's Search For Meaning
Viktor Frankl

The Righteous Mind
Jonathan Haidt

Hero On a Mission
Donald Miller

The 4-Hour Workweek
Timothy Ferriss

The Sovereign Individual
James Dale Davidson

4th Generation Warfare Handbook
William S. Lind

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Donald Miller

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Gary Vaynerchuck

The 4-Hour Chef
Timothy Ferriss

Smarter Faster Better
Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg

Robert Cialdini

Small Giants
Bo Burlingham

Don't Make Me Thinkο»Ώ
Steve Krug

The White Mountains
John Christopher

Lord of the Flies
William Golding

The Boy Scout Handbook 9th Editionο»Ώ
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