Gen X, The Lost Generation

By Ken
May 14, 2023
2 min read

I appreciated a recent interview with Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins, where he shared some interesting thoughts on Generation X. A couple of his comments stood out to me.

Corgan mentioned, “I still remain hopeful that Gen X has a second act.” It’s a powerful statement, reflecting the feeling many of us have that our generation is still searching for its place. Gen X has often been labeled the “lost generation,” stuck between Baby Boomers and Millennials. While other generations have defined major cultural or political shifts, Gen X seems to have faded into the background.

Another quote that caught my attention was when Corgan said, “Gen X might be the only generation to not have a president.” It’s true—so far, no one from Gen X has held the highest office in the U.S. When you think about it, this is unusual. Boomers and Millennials have shaped the political and cultural landscapes in significant ways, but Gen X remains somewhat in the shadows, lacking that same level of influence.

It raises an important question: What will Gen X’s legacy be? Are we content being the “in-between” generation, or is there still time to make a lasting impact?

You can check out the full interview with Billy Corgan here. It’s a thought-provoking conversation, especially if you’re a member of Generation X.

Tagged: Digital Garden · Generation X · Notes

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