
July 22, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Bullet Journaling Helped

The Bullet Journal method, also known as "Bujo," is a customizable productivity system that was created by Ryder Carroll. It is a paper-based system that combines to-do lists, note-taking, and journaling in one place, using a system of bullet points and symbols to organize tasks and ideas.

Like a lot of people I have tried a lot of productivity systems note takings frameworks. All of them promised the world. The one common denominator of course was always me. Bullet journaling has been the only system that has helped me become more organized and improved my ability to stay focused on what is important. The other thing that has set this method apart for me is that it is the only system I have been able to stick with for over three years. With all other productivity systems lasting never lasting one year.

To start a Bullet Journal, you will need a blank notebook and a pen. You can also use stencils, stickers, and other decorative items to personalize your journal.

The core structure of a Bullet Journal consists of four main components:

  1. The Index: This is a list of all the pages in your journal, organized by topic or project. The Index helps you quickly find what you're looking for in your journal.
  2. The Future Log: This is a calendar where you can keep track of long-term goals and events. You can use it to plan out your month, quarter, or year.
  3. The Monthly Log: This is a calendar that covers one month at a time. You can use it to plan out your monthly tasks and appointments.
  4. The Daily Log: This is a page for each day, where you can record your daily tasks, appointments, and notes.

I think part of the reason I have been able to stay consistent with #BUJO is that the system is so forgiving. Even if I fail to crack open my Bullet Journal on a particular day, I can pick it up the next day and rather that have to back fill to make up for the missed day, I simply carry on as if it didn't happen. For me this has proven to be a game changer.

In addition to these core components, you can also include other pages and sections in your Bullet Journal, such as a habit tracker, a gratitude log, a brainstorming page, or a project planning page.

Bullet Journal Key

To use the Bullet Journal method, you start by listing out all the tasks and ideas you want to track in your journal. You then organize these tasks and ideas using bullet points and symbols. For example, a bullet point with a dot (β€’) indicates a task, while a bullet point with an "X" (βœ”) indicates a completed task. You can also use other symbols, such as a dash (-) for notes, an exclamation point (!) for important items, or a right arrow (>) for tasks that you want to migrate to a future date.

Bullet Journal Introduction and Index

The Bullet Journal method is flexible and adaptable, and you can customize it to fit your specific needs and goals. It can help you stay organized, stay on top of your tasks and appointments, and capture your thoughts and ideas in one place.

Bullet Journal Future Log and Monthly Log
Bullet Journal Daily Log

If you do a web or social media search for Bullet Journaling or #BUJO you may become very confused very fast. There are lots of flowery artistic tutorials for decorating your pages. This is not the system of bullet journaling and so can give you a misunderstanding of what the system is. This is great of course and fun, but it is not the system which has helped me organize my life.

Most often this is folks who are adding creativity to their #bulletjournal collections or habit trackers, a element within Bullet Journaling which is not at the core of its functionality. Therefore whenever I am recommending Bullet Journaling to a friend I always send them the video link above. It is all you need to get started. You do not need fancy pens, washi tape or even an official bullet journal notebook. Any notebook or even a stack of paper would work. Once you have understood the system, if you still want to washi tape your book, well... you do you.

Finally there are Collections. Collections allow for topical sections such as a larger project or goal.

Bullet Journal Site

Morning Routine - Coffee & BUJO

June 27, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Here’s Why Writing is Important

I've been thinking a lot about writing lately, and I have realized just how much of what a fundamental skill it is. Because, as stated above, "writing is thinking formalized". If you want to take action on anything that requires contribution from others, words are required before you take any action.

I've realized that I use to be dismissive of words, "Words are empty" I thought, "Take action!" I wanted to be a doer, a builder. I have always wanted to be someone who got things done. But I've come to realize that you can only take action without words when you are working in isolation. But even then, you must convince yourself to take action.

Concrete Artwork

Here's Why Writing is Important

So, in order to have words that convince others to take action with you; to follow you. You must have a well articulated vision of what it is that you want to do, why it must be done. But we often want to skip over that part. I have often taken action alone, assuming others would see my efforts and join in. This assumes they understand why you are taking action, and what problem you are trying to solve. It also leaves you irritated when they don't. This approach is immature. Often, the problems we see in the world are our burden to solve because we see them. I've come to believe that the problems we see so clearly, the ones that make us angry even at the injustice are calling to us to solve them, which often means, rallying others to solve them with us.

At my job we review projects and decide which projects are the most important at the given time. I've realized over the years that it is actually not the most important projects that get worked on. It is not the easy ones, and it is not the hard ones. The projects that get worked on every time are the ones that the decision makers have the most clarity about. So, it is the projects that are the most well articulated. This often frustrates the engineer types, as they find it baffling, that a project, that in their minds is a waste of time would get any effort at all would get the whole team behind it to execute it successfully. So as I have realized the connection between thinking, writing, and speaking, and thus leading; I have realized I have to learn to write better. Which is another reason I have started this blog.

And the more I dig into writing and how it can help me become a better man, or help me develop, the more I discover other things writing has the power to do.

Writing has the ability to help you move through and get over traumatic experiences. In the video above they talk about Dr. James Pennebaker who has studied the idea of using writing as a method for recovering from emotional wounds. But there is a specific process at play here, it is not just about journaling endlessly about a painful event. Rather you are employing these steps:

  • Write down everything you can remember about the traumatic event, you organize it, reduce it, and make it clear. This will initially make you feel worse, because you are remembering the emotions of the event.
  • Then you weave it into a narrative where you are identifying the positive things about having endured the event, not to minimize the negatives but to highlight in what way did this event make you a better person. You can then begin to remove the emotion from the event.

The other part about writing I am trying to learn and understand, is this idea of writing an essay. As a way to make an argument for something.

"An essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic. However, the word essay also means attempt or try. An essay is, therefore, a short piece written by someone attempting to explore a topic or answer a question."

Writing an essay is not something I have thought about since being in school. And it is not something I have been dying to explore. But as we see our world seemingly become more and more divided by the day, one thing seems clear, we have lost our ability to debate. Which means we have lost the ability to make a coherent argument with someone as well has allow ourselves to be convinced when someone makes a reasonable and coherent argument for a belief we hold closely. I believe that by learning to write a good essay, we become more formidable foes and are not suckered in to every time someone claims the sky is falling, or worse, convinces us, that a terrible tragedy is not happening when indeed it is.

So then, writing as essay and doing it well, can help you convince others to right injustices in the world, or help you make the argument for a raise. If writing can help you do those things and help you move past the wounds of life; those are powerful arguments for learning to write well.

Written with the help of today's soundtrack.

May 23, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Doing It Yourself is the Way

Early in my life, I spent a lot of my time building things. I worked construction, built buildings, I set tile for a bit, I worked at for a small company that built elaborate stores for musician retail chain. I also built skateboard ramps, a lot of skateboard ramps.

Building a skateboard park
Trying the ramp before it was finished.

At some point along the way I made a change and began building digital things. While I don't regret making that change I often miss the days of building things that last and don't have a beta version. There is still a sense of pride driving by buildings in town that I helped build. You don't get that experience building digital things, they don't exist in the physical world, and they are often deleted within a few short years for a version 2.0.

I am often inspired by Youtubers who DIY. They build, modify and create their own universe.

See how easy it can be to learn to stitch your own leather

The Make Everything channel is a new discovery for me. Their ability to make DIY'ing approachable is their gift to us. Sure, I could just go buy these products, and I won't have had to buy the tools to do so. But there is something special about creating a thing yourself. Often you are able to create something that you couldn't buy, it just doesn't exist.

Van Neistat is great, his ability to be such a creative and bring that creativity to making is the best. His DIY projects always solve a real-world problem.

The Essential Craftsman I love this channel so much. They bring so much knowledge and wisdom from a lifetime of building making and DIY'ng. I also kinda love that they are fellow Pacific North westerners, and Oregonians. I have been using a worm drive skill saw for my whole life, and yet, I still learned things from this video.

After moving into a new home, I wondered what to do with this awkward cubby space inside one of the bathrooms. It seemed to be this odd leftover space, almost like an afterthought during the build. After measuring and a few internet searches it was obvious that the space was not going to work will with standard shelf sizes and that I would have to build my own.

Bathroom with empty cubby
Bathroom with weird empty cubby

After fixing the cubby it was time to address the chair mat in my office. Instead of one of those plastic chair mats I decided to make my own. Using some 5/8" plywood and some linoleum flooring did the trick.

Angled the edge in hopes of fewer stubbed toes.
Applying the flooring.
Flooring Applied.
Scored the flooring to match the bevel.
Finished product.

I am already thinking about what I would have done different and if there should be a version two. Namely I would have used a whole 48"X96" sheet to extend the rolling space to the cabinets just out of frame.. maybe next time.

Shop Reconstruction phase 1
Shop Reconstruction Phase 2

Every project needs a soundtrack, that's rule one:

2020 - KenBrian Design & Marketing