25 Things That Made my Year

By Ken
January 1, 2023
5 min read
  1. Starting this blog is one of my proudest accomplishments this year. It may not seem like much, but getting over the fear of judgement about creating and putting your thoughts into the world is a powerful thing. I highly recommend it. I was inspired by the book "Show your work", which I wrote about. My only regret is not doing it sooner.
  2. Falling in love again with riding my bike and doing a community ride called Riding the Rogue. Also, getting a flat on this ride and appreciating the gracious generosity of others to get me back on the road again.
  3. Moving is never fun, but getting into such a great space that is capable of entertaining and is just so cozy made it worth it.
  4. Having friends over for a game night made my year and living the dream of entertaining at home.
  5. ooking a complete Thanksgiving dinner for my family was also a highlight of the year.
  6. Years ago, I was privileged enough to create a skateboard program for kids. One of those kids is an adult now, and told me he is now inspired to do the same. Getting to consult on that project and the idea of it continuing to a new generation helped make my year.
  7. Learning to cook new dishes like lamb shepherd's pie was also a highlight.
  8. Learning to make new cocktails and making them for friends was a fun experience.
  9. Having that one friend who religiously books time on the calendar to ensure we don't lose touch is something I am grateful for.
  10. I am also grateful for that one friend with whom I can talk about the intricacies of music, including the musicianship, the originality, and how it has the capacity to move one's soul.
  11. I am grateful for that one friend who makes me believe I am truly capable of a lot more and convinces me of the same.
  12. The ability of Jordon Peterson to make me think iin a constructive and optimistic way, and to take action on making things better, even if only a little, has been impactful for me.
  13. My Trip to New York City and attending the Tedeschi Trucks Band Concert as well as visiting the 911 Memorial, that place
  14. Taking the time to be intentional about sitting down and listening to a vinyl record has been a small but meaningful experience for me.
  15. The Tedeschi Trucks Band. A number of times I have been consciously aware that my life is made better by their ability to make beautiful music.
  16. Discovering Jazz has also been a highlight, as I have been intimidated to listen to it before. It is such a vast landscape, and sometimes with vast landscapes it helps to have a guide but you can find guides in unlikely places like Instagram.
  17. The Band Snarky Puppy blew my mind and made me realize that art, music, and movies are more than just entertainment or forms of escape. They can be used as tools to celebrate the beauty of life and remind us that life is as much about heart as it is about accomplishments. Donald Miller talked about this in his book Hero on a mission, which I wrote about. In the book he said:
    • "we will appreciate nature and art, we are reminding ourselves, over and over, that life is not about us. It’s about sharing our human experience with other people."
  18. Having friends who are connectors and introduce you to people you might connect with has been a very beautiful thing this year. I appreciate you.
  19. Saying goodbye is always difficult, but hearing about a life well lived and lived well is an inspiration and motivating. I was moved this year by the life of a man who lived a very full life, creating jobs, companies, and friends and being a constant connector and encourager. He will be missed.
  20. I am also grateful for the career opportunities I've had. Jobs can be tough, but I think they can be harder when you care about what you do and want to do it well. I have learned so much this year about work, and there is still so much more to learn.
  21. There are so many great creators having deep conversations about important things. I am so grateful for these conversations. Like Jonathan Pageau, Brian Holdsworth and Dr Taylor Marshal for all that is wrong with our modern world, there is something really right about going deep on important topics.
  22. I have always loved movies and especially old classic movies. Rediscovering old Hitchcock Movies has been highlight.
  23. Artificial Intelligence is here I am intrigued and afraid, but being able to experiment is gratifying and I am learning how these tools may be able to help us.
  24. Family makes life better, my daughter is such a thoughtful gift giver and got me an Air Fryer, we have been trying out all sorts of things, including things I am sure that have no business in an air fryer. ;)
  25. It has been a tumultuous for all of us, more than anything I am grateful for friends, family and the ability to keep growing and learning and although I am not big on resolutions, I plan to do more of that.


Snarky Puppy - Lingus

If this does not make your jaw drop.. we probably aren't close.

Tedeschi Trucks Band

Derek, ripping
My Jazz Music Guide, though he is unaware.
I love this clip, sometimes I say this to myself and it helps me not take things so serious.

This is a great idea for 2023

Tagged: Digital Garden · Essays · Meaning

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